Friday, September 17, 2010

My computer have 48 MB of RAM how do I carry it to enjoy 64 MB? Oh and by the approach MB resources mega bytes.?

How to I acquire my computer to have 64 mega bytes when I hold 48 right now?

My computer have 48 MB of RAM how do I carry it to enjoy 64 MB? Oh and by the approach MB resources mega bytes.?

Install more RAM. If your computer have an extra memory slot, add a 16 MB (yes, MB is megabytes) chip. But given the age we're surrounded by now and adjectives the Windows XP and Vista hoopola, 64 MB is not enough to run anything...
That is an awfully small amount of RAM for this sunshine and age. What type of PC do you have? If you know, what type of MB does it hold in it?
Yes, MB vehicle MegaBytes. Mb means Megabits. There's a difference.

If it currently have 48 (an odd number to have) later you probably have a 32 and a 16 stick contained by there presently. Get a new 32 stick and put it within there beside the other 32 and you've got 64.
wow how aged is your computer? i don't even think they still flog rams that low. i suggest you obtain a new computer, it's not as expensive as it be during the 48mb ram computers.
Add 16MB ... that will impart you 64MB.

Yes. MB means MegaBytes.


Philip T
Good God ---- get a unsullied computer, the last time I bought 64 Mg of Ram, my son be in 1st status - he is now contained by the Navy and I paid $200 for it.

Now for $800 you can acquire a nice laptop. You really should consider the 21st century.
Use this to determine just what RAM you have need of for your computer:

Crucial Memory AdvisorTM Tool

And if that dudette "Starting Over" thinks that $800.00 is such little money, possibly she should buy us both new laptops!

Good luck.

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